
IntroductionMy EscapeReturn to HogwartsBecoming my own OwlEpilogueNotesAcknowledgements




During the winter and following spring, I lived in a cave in the mountains with Hagrid and his brother Grawp. (Fang was also with us, of whom the less said the better.) I hunted in the Forbidden Forest, enjoyed the occasional tidbit from their table, and had sufficient leisure to reflect upon my situation.

It occurred to me that I had arrived at a turning point in my life. I had enjoyed a long and successful career as a messenger owl and I felt that I had reached the point to leave that phase of my life behind and pursue my own interests. It further occurred to me that my association with the brave and daring of Gryffindor had caused me considerable strife and stress in my life, (a conclusion strongly reinforced by my recent experience) and it was time to join ranks with the just and loyal of Hufflepuff.10

I returned to the school after the renovations necessitated by the Battle of Hogwarts and naturally the Hufflepuffs welcomed me with open arms. I enjoy the freedom of hunting in the fields and the pleasures afforded by the social opportunities at Hogwarts— especially with the Hufflepuffs. They have very graciously constructed a special perch near the fireplace in their Common Room and make me most welcome whenever I choose to visit.

Despite some lingering resentment resulting from his actions the Night of the Seven Potters, I was extremely concerned about the safety of Harry Potter during my time in the Forbidden Forest. We had, after all, been companions for six years through good times and bad. Therefore, I've been delighted to have the opportunity of renewing our relationship on those occasions he has visited Hogwarts to address the students.11

During the course of our visits, I believe that Harry Potter has come to truly understand that I had been selected for him not as a pet or a "cuddly toy" but as a companion and helper so that my experience and wisdom might support him in the severe challenges that he would face.12 His acknowledgment of my true status in his life made my pleasure in my transition to my new life complete.

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